Football Fun
Comments Off on Football FunWe had a football coach come into our Nursery to do some football activities with the children, The children thoroughly enjoyed this activity lots of fun was had!
We had a football coach come into our Nursery to do some football activities with the children, The children thoroughly enjoyed this activity lots of fun was had!
Some of the Children went along to our local retirement home to enjoy a sing-along session with the residents. Children had lots of fun singing with instruments and dancing with ribbons and just enjoying good Natta with the residents. The staff and children had so much fun and we aim to try and visit one day per week.
For more information and advice on the steps you can take to stop the spread of Coronavirus, you can download a factsheet here.
On February 24th, some very exciting visitors came to the nursery. We received 5 duck eggs, form our friends at ‘Living Eggs’, these all hatched on February 26th.
The children have helped look after the chicks by giving them lots of love, we feed them twice per day and make sure they have plenty of water, although we had to wait a few days before the ducklings could go in for a swim. The chicks are super cute and the children love helping to look after them.
Join us for a wild time on Wednesday 14th August, 2pm to 6pm as the Petting Zoo comes to Penrhyn. All parents and siblings are invited and we will be having a BBQ & refreshments. It will be a chance for everyone to have fun and interact with animals of all shapes and sizes.
Recently our staff held a fundraising Cake sale day for The Alzheimer’s Society. We raised £277.30 for the charity and then the staff donated more money to round our donation up to £300.00.
We also took a few Children up to our local Nursing Home for a sing-song with the residents of the care home. The children had so much fun along with the residents and it is something that we plan to do twice a month.
From 1stSeptember 2017 there were changes to the free hours that 3 year old are eligible for. To help you understand these changes we have put together a handy guide that you can download here.
If you have any further questions please get in touch with a member of our team.
Our website has launched! Have a look around, it’s packed with loads of information and news about who we are and what we’re up to. You can see what’s happening on our news and calendar pages and find answers to most questions on our FAQ and parents areas sections.
Ofsted – Good - 153682 Charity Details – 1032265